Zazaï, writer, electrician and collaborator of the Vincentz Group

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The 24-year-old tells us in his book-testimony “Freedom, my last frontier” about his escape from Afghanistan when he was still a teenager.

After a long journey through nine countries, Zazaï arrived in Strasbourg in 2014 at the age of 16. He has since become an electrician by passing a professional baccalaureate and is now a French citizen.

Today, he regularly collaborates with the VINCENTZ GROUP teams on various construction sites in the European capital and has the objective of setting up his own company.

We invite you to discover his portrait in this excerpt from the 12:45 programme produced by GROUPE M6, as well as his book “Liberté, ma dernière frontière” (Freedom, my last frontier), co-authored with Julie Ewa and published by L’Archipel.
